Fashion Week has grown beyond its roots in New York and Paris – now there’s one in almost every major city! Find your favorite metro below; maybe we fashionistas can organize a tour of them, the way fathers and sons hit all the baseball fields and end in Cooperstown. Here’s the complete calendar we’ve all been waiting for!
2015 Fashion Week Dates By City
FALL (AUTUMN) 2015 SHOWS (showing SS16 collections):

- July 28 – Aug. 2: Atlanta International Fashion Week
- Aug. 31 – Sept. 4: PHILLY FASHION WEEK – Philadelphia, PA
- Sep. 10-17: NEW YORK FASHION WEEK – Mercedes-Benz
- Sep. 10-12: New York Style Fashion Week
- Sep. 11-13: Couture Fashion Week
- Sep. 18-22: London Fashion Week (show schedule PDF)
- Sep. 23-27: DC Fashion Week – Washington, D.C.
- Vogue is sponsoring this one with – it sounds pretty sick.
- Sep. 23-29: Milan Fashion Week
- Sep. 27 – Oct. 3: Boston Fashion Week
- Sep. 30 – Oct. 7: Paris Fashion Week
- Oct. 5-18: FASHION WEEK LA – principal sponsor Sunglass Hut
- Oct. 14-18 –Los Angeles Style Fashion Week
- Oct. 7-11: EL PASO FASHION WEEK – Mercedes-Benz
- Oct. 8-12 – SHENZHEN FASHION WEEK – Mercedes-Benz
- Oct. 12-17:
- Istanbul Fashion Week
- Tokyo Fashion Week (both Mercedes-Benz)
- October 15-17: Tucson Fashion Week
- October 16-21, 2015: Seoul Fashion Week
- October 18-22, 2015: Tel Aviv Fashion Week
- Oct. 25 – Nov. 2 – CHINA FASHION WEEK – Mercedes-Benz
- Oct. 27-28: Dallas Fashion Week
- Note – Oct. 17-24 is Runway Dallas Week of Fashion – unaffiliated.**
- Oct. 27-Nov. 3 – JAPAN FASHION WEEK – Mercedes-Benz
- November 12-15, 2015: Fashion Week Poland
- November 18-22, 2015: Style Fashion Week Dubai
- November 20-22, 2015: Honolulu Fashion Week
*Chicago Couture Fashion Week will not be presenting this fall; they will relaunch in May 2016.
* No announcements on Miami Fashion Week yet – we’ll keep you posted!
**Fashion Weeks are tricky. The term “fashion week” isn’t trademarked like “Super Bowl”, so what makes one Fashion Week official and another not is really left to interpretation. In general, those sponsored by Mercedes Benz are considered “official” as they’re the NYFW sponsor, but we like all Fashion Weeks.
What bullshit. Chicago, really? We are one of the biggest cities in this whole country, we are modern and on the forefront of so much, and we deserve a Fashion Week. We can’t even get it together this year? Pathetic !