Home » How To Apply Foundation with an Angled Brush

How To Apply Foundation with an Angled Brush

applying foundation with an angled brush makeup artist tips

A reader recently asked a great question about foundation brushes:

A lady at Estée Lauder talked me into buying an angular makeup brush to apply my foundation. She made it look easy; I, however, have a tendency to drag it across my face like I’m painting a fence. Got any advice?

Many cosmetophiles are familiar with using a flat foundation brush, but an angled brush is like, that next ish. For my next level girls. 

The advantage of an angled brush is that it blends well and can move around the curves of your hairline and cheekbones more naturally than a flat brush. Corners of the eyes and nose become easily accessible, and an angle makes a natural gradient, which helps our blending get graded on a bell curve.

It’s not just for powder either, chicas. You can angle it up with cream and liquid foundation, too.

Make sure to “top-load” the brush with a dab of foundation and let it make its way down the smaller bristles, then rotate it around so the smaller bit gets into the creases around your nose and into cheekbones. And you can never, ever blend too much, so keep going!

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Next, NEXT Level: Combine with Contouring!

I like to take a slightly darker foundation after and blend it the same way, but only do my cheekbones and next to my hairline for some really flawless, natural-looking contour.

(To save time, keep one brush for your base and a second for your contour if you’re going to employ this strategy. Continue to wash them between uses, though, unless you’re planning on starting a roundworm colony in your Sigma.)

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4 thoughts on “How To Apply Foundation with an Angled Brush


    I have seen so much on using flat foundation brushes but this seems SO much smarter!!
    I’m going to buy an angled brush today and try this!
    Question: would an angled kabuki brush be better, or one of those short little brushes like Tarte makes that are shaped like your hand??
    Anyway, THANK YOU again for this awesome article and for your help!!

    – Viktoria

    1. Viktoria (what a great name) –

      Thanks for reading and for your question – I personally prefer the thinner Tarte brush and the above referenced Estee Lauder because I feel they’re more shaped to your hand and you have better control. A kabuki would also work – to each his own.

      Keep reading and blending!

      – Cailin

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