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Aixallia skincare line

Why French Women Have Great Skin

#Aixallia #IC ad French women have many enviable qualities. First, there’s that effortless chic-and-sexy they pull off – HOW? Then there’s the well-known fact that they seem to stay slim despite a diet consisting of 90% buttered croissants and Beaujolais Nouveau. What gives? Even more disgustingly, they stay lovely and young-looking for ages. Maybe the…

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Proactiv Review First Impressions

#Proactiv #ad #IC This post was sponsored by Proactiv as part of a Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. You know what’s exceptionally uncool? Being almost 30, and having zits. I think it’s a hormonal thing – once a month, my face goes haywire and my forehead, cheeks…

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