Your BFF is killer. She is always available to faux-call you an emergency when you need to escape an awkward social interaction. She’s helped you with your last 3 moves and she somehow knows which ex-boyfriends not to irreparably insult so you can get back together later while maintaining dignity.
Let’s face it: she deserves a better gift than that tired don’t-we-all-love-wine greeting card stuffed with yet another low-effort department store gift certificate. Whether it’s Christmas, her birthday or your bestieversary (yes, that’s a thing), let’s get creative and give her something she’ll really love this time around (and not just fake-squee at).
The Gifts for Her section on Best Buy’s Gift Ideas page has some amazing inspiration (plus, you can shop by price point – totes necessary for beauties on a budget). Here are my faves:

Um, y’all, who WOULDN’T want a Chi? Replace her tired old straightener with the Cadillac of flat irons and you’ll have dibs on the one with the strong jawline for at least the next two GNOs.

Oh hi, Lauren, I got you an ultra adorbs sleeve for your MacBook. PS, it’s by kate spade. Coffee’s on YOU.
Got a galpal who’s trying to get in shape? This plum FitBit is cute enough to wear with any outfit, plus it tracks heart rate and does all kinda cool fitness stuff.

Show up at her house with this, cupcake mix and frosting. Eat. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Achievement unlocked: winning at friendship.
Not sure which of these would float her boat? Tell her to make a wishlist to give you some hints. While you’re at it, make your own and make shopping easier for bestie, boyfriend and Great-Aunt Bertha alike when your next special occasion rolls along.
What gifts would your bestie like most?
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Thelma and Louise!! Is that the first selfie? lol