Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Perhaps, a cooling appliance is all you need to give you a comfortable sleep. Studies have shown that cooler temperature induces sleepiness by helping you release your body’s melatonin. If you are in search of an air cooling system to install in your room, then a wall mounted air conditioner is the best option that you can have. Read on if you would like to know more about this product:
Advantages of a wall-mounted unit
Wall-mounted air conditioning units are the most popular choices for cooling systems because of their sleek design. It is slimmer than its counterparts, so a unit can be placed in the room without sacrificing the entry of sunlight and blocking the view from the window.
Additionally, unlike other centralised air conditioners, which often require a considerable arrangement for installation, this type of air conditioning only needs a small wall opening. As such, you can mount your unit in no time, without ruining your wall and furniture arrangement.
A wall mounted air conditioner is also one of the most affordable cooling system options in the market. It is even less expensive than window units. Only HVAC units can match its price, but if you factor in its installation cost, it is still better to invest in a wall-mounted cooler.
Choosing the specifications
There is no one-size-fits-all air conditioner. The cooling capacity of your unit should match the amount of space that it would cover. If you stay in a 200 sq ft room, you should get an air conditioner with 6,000 BTU to adequately cool off the room. If you double that space, then you should add an extra 3,000 BTU. Additionally, it is a general rule that you should increase the BTU by 10% if there will be more than two people in the area. The more people in the room, the harder it will be for your air conditioner to cool the space.
Meanwhile, to ensure that your air conditioner will be cost-effective for electricity consumption, you should look into its Energy Efficiency Rating or EER. The higher its rating, the more energy-saving your unit is.
Mounting your air conditioner
Location is an important factor when mounting your air conditioning unit. First of all, your air conditioner should have no airflow interruption. Therefore, remove all the draperies, furniture, and hanging plants that might obstruct the room’s airflow. If its airflow is constantly interrupted, your unit’s cooling capacity and lifespan may be affected.
When mounting it up, the ideal distance is seven feet from the floor. If possible, do not place it on the southern area because the heat of the sun might affect its cooling mechanism. It is also advisable that you place it in the centre to efficiently cool your room. For a rectangular room, your cooling appliance should be on the longer wall. It should not face the door so that the air can effectively circulate in the area.
With proper placement, you will not be overworking your air conditioner. Additionally, you will not be worrying about the high no deposit electricity bill because its energy consumption will be maximised.
A wall mounted cooling system is a worthy investment that can make your life bearable. It is the most cost-effective and practical option available in the market. What are you waiting for? Do window shopping and look for a good deal from a reputable appliance brand.
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