Home » Makeup Review: Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals Foundation

Makeup Review: Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals Foundation

Makeup Review Bare Minerals Foundation Featured Image

Makeup Review Bare Minerals Foundation Mineral Makeup Try Believe LoveMineral makeup has officially made it in a big way, but it all started with Bare Escentuals BareMinerals foundation. I swear by mineral foundation in general, but I typically use Raw Minerals, Pur Minerals or even the Maybelline variety. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to test the original out for myself.

The key to Bare Minerals success, as with any loose powder mineral makeup, is using it properly. Get yourself a big kabuki brush – it doesn’t have to be the Bare Escentuals brand one – and follow the mantra of its acolytes: swirl, tap, buff. Take the kabuki, dip it in, swirl it around in the lid, tap off the excess, and buff it all over your face. When they say buff, they mean it. If you don’t do it exactly right, you’ll end up with excess powder all over you. Don’t get dressed first. (It’ll end up on your bathroom counter anyway.)

While this product is amazing and blends out general skin imperfections very well, it’s not the beauty messiah it’s made out to be. You’ll still have visible blemishes if you had intense ones before you applied it, so first conceal anything very obvious. The general tone of your skin will appear young, fresh and dewy, but the product is never fully “blended in” and it will get on your sunglasses, etc.

Bare Escentuals is very sneaky about getting you to buy the entire product line; once you get this, you’ll end up with the finishing powder, all the brushes, the whole kit and kaboodle. They basically only work with each other and no other face makeup products. Also, don’t believe the hype and instead please, please scrub this off when you get home; this stuff will bury itself in your pores and ALL makeup can lead to breakouts, minerals or otherwise. I know the commercial says “Makeup so pure, you can sleep in it” but listen to me!

The verdict: 8/10 – while Bare Minerals is a unique, amazing product, it’s not the end-all, be-all, and you’re going to spend $100 if you spend the first $25.

Bare Minerals sells at Amazon.com for $25.00.

image source: sephora.com

One thought on “Makeup Review: Bare Escentuals Bare Minerals Foundation

  1. I feel like know one uses this brand anymore because the trend is going back toward more unnatural heavy makeup with Kat Von Dee and Kylie Jenner. Thats sad guys, our skin needs to breathe!

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