I used to regularly dye, flat iron, blowdry and otherwise abuse my hair, and even though I’m reformed, my current ends still remember the traumas of days gone past. I’m always looking for a product I can pamper it with as sort of an apology. Hairstylists often recommend Moroccanoil Hair Treatment for dry, overprocessed hair, and as you might guess, they know their stuff.

Why all the hype? The secret is argan oil, which was a well-kept secret of the Middle East until the founder of Moroccanoil got an amazing oil treatment in Israel.
The coolest part of using argan oil is the impact you get to have on the lives of the women who harvest it. Yes, I said women.
How Buying Argan Oil Supports Women
Much of the argan oil produced today is made by a number of women’s cooperatives. Employment in the cooperatives provides women with an income, which many have used to fund education for themselves or their children. It has also provided them with a degree of autonomy in a traditionally male-dominated society and has helped many become more aware of their rights.
This makes argan oil officially the coolest and most socially aware beauty breakthrough we’ve had in a long time. What better cause than making the lives of women around the globe better?
Despite its being an oil, Moroccanoil Hair Treatment doesn’t leave your hair feeling greasy. Use a small amount after towel-drying your hair, concentrating on your damaged ends. Then, apply heat with your hair dryer to help the hair absorb the oil. It’s a bit pricey, but a little goes a long way and the bottle will last you awhile. This product adds unmatched shine, softness, and definition, making it great for bringing out curls or highlights. Frizz disappears and the scent is wonderfully refreshing.
Great for: relaxed hair, curls, hair that breaks easily
The verdict: 9/10! A cure for damaged or otherwise distressed hair, with a great side effect of helping the women who harvest it.
Moroccanoil sells for $36.95 at Amazon.
Interesting thanks for your post.
Interesting thanks for your post.