I know the rest of the free world is already filled with Vine users, but up until recently I wasn’t one of them. Now I’m a bit of an addict… But it took some force to get me there.
This particular force was inflicted by Asha Butterflys, who attended my #SassyGlam house party and witnessed what happens when Cailin has too many cocktails.
Of course, she shared some of this event with the world via the wonder that is Vine:
Um. Yeah.
So rather than murdering her for this outright breach of Girl Code, I had a laugh and decided to join in the fun myself. (After all, how else will I get her back at the next party?)
So join us on Vine (and make sure to follow me!) for beauty, fashion, food, and sassy fun: https://vine.co/u/1195555597589078016
Comment below with your Vine profile link and let’s follow each other!
Welcome to the rest of the world. Your drunk video is cute anyway;p
Hey, You know you love me and the force of change in social media is something that you and Steph needed. I love that you are on vine now.