I rarely review skincare products – I’m ashamed to admit I’m instinctively more interested in the BandAid makeup provides for my skin problems – but this one was too good to miss. I’d run out of powder (my Victoria’s Secret Finishing Powder finally bit the dust) and I noticed the coupon could be used online, so I snagged the powder at Ulta and this stuff.
Now I have a rather embarrassing confession to make. I’ve had the most disgusting collection of blackheads in the pores in my nose since…
…wait for it…
I’m not kidding. I’ve been getting $80 facials with extractions for years that removed some of them, but have never found a drugstore product that helped one bit. Various estheticians have told me ingredients to look for: enzymes, AHAs, etc. (A tip: find out what ingredients work for your skin. This product claimed to reduce discoloration, which I don’t have a problem with; from reading that on the label I never would have bought it. Know what you need in the product to help you, not what the label claims to do. /End rant.) I came across this and thought, what’s the hurt? It’s ten bucks.
First, the negatives. The product instructed me to slather on a thin layer and wait 7-10 minutes. I, being the queen of overkill, waited the full ten. It warned that a “tingling sensation” was normal; I felt no such thing (but I do have a suspicion that my skin is made of titanium). However, when I began to massage the product off, the burning began and my face turned various shades of horrible splotchy red. I thought, “Reduce discoloration, my ass!” The burning didn’t stop there, and I kept finding these tiny poky exfoliant beads on my face. I didn’t want to try and tone them off for fear of further aggravation to my skin.
So why am I reviewing this, and not on Neutrogena’s hotline raving about possible lawsuits? The answer is simple: Pain, splotchiness, and sandy-feeling skin are all worth it when MY SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD BLACKHEADS ARE GONE. Gone. Iradicated. I noticed little clumps of clearish-beige stuff coming off my face as I was rinsing, particularly on my forehead where I am less meticulous in cleansing since I rarely break out anymore, and realized my dead skin was sloughing right off. Then I peered closely in the mirror at my nose, and there was not a single needlepoint dark spot in sight. I was the absolute happiest I have been after using a product probably ever. I really try to reserve five-star reviews for products that I feel have very few negatives and should be in everyone’s bag, but I’ll make an exception for this.
By the way, I woke up this morning to an extremely oily face. My skin is fighting back, but I’m not worried – I’ve got a new not-so-secret weapon.
The verdict: 10/10 – I don’t care if it cost $80 and hurt twice as bad, I’d buy it again and again. This product did what no other could.
I got this tube of combination-skin happiness at Ulta.com for $10.19!
(PLEASE NOTE: Some people have sensitive skin. I do not. You could pretty much take a jackhammer to my pores and I wouldn’t break out, have allergies, or even care if it did hurt. I still will only be using this killer product the twice-per-week the label directs. If you have sensitive skin, please leave this stuff alone.)
image source: ulta.com
This sounds awesome… I can’t believe you said ass though. haha just kidding. Seriously I went to the store and could not find this and i was sooo sad because I just read this on my phone looking for something good for my blackheads. Bah!
Sorry I hurt your virgin eyes there Sam. I got mine at Walgreens.