Home » Surgical Tape: A Star Secret For Smooth Skin

Surgical Tape: A Star Secret For Smooth Skin

Surgical Tape Facelift Great Skin

Surgical Tape Facelift Great SkinIf you’ve seen Mommie Dearest, you likely noticed Joan Crawford’s obsessive beauty routine of sleeping with surgical tape on her face in hope of an overnight facelift. While Joan may not have been entirely in touch with reality, this is one practice ladies worried about fine lines actually could embrace. Really!

We often make faces while we sleep or dream that can cause your brows to furrow or skin to stretch and encourage the formation of new wrinkles. You can use surgical tape to ward away new lines by taping an “X” between your eyebrows, just above your nose. Just be careful not to tape too tight – you could have the opposite effect and actually create wrinkles by stressing your skin. And I wouldn’t recommend this on date night!

One thought on “Surgical Tape: A Star Secret For Smooth Skin

  1. wow…that is CRAY.
    Who would actually tape their face??
    Oh the desperate acts of old ladies hahahaaa

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