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Tips for keeping your household insect-free

Tips for keeping your household insect-free


    There are many factors that determine the price of the pest control. If done by a professional company, keeping your household insect-free can be expensive. Doing it on your own will not only take a lot of time, but you might not be able to do it properly.

    Having bugs in your home is an unpleasant experience, so it would be better if you make some changes within your home’s environment to prevent them from intruding.


    Insects prefer moister areas to grow and multiply, which isn’t the case with most homes. Ideally speaking, its best to make a house without foam, paper or wood in the construction, as well as no plants within five feet.


    However, no house can comply with all of the following factors to ensure an insect-free environment. That’s why, in partnership with Pest Control in Kansas city, we created a list of useful tips to keep your home clean.


Keeping an insecticide-free house.


    Inviting bugs near your home is the first mistake. It might be a good idea to reduce the number of plants growing in your house or around it. Having them would serve as an invitation to insects when the weather isn’t favourable for them.


    Choose your plants wisely. We suggest doing a small research on the plants you plan to bring in your household. Most plants are a main source of food for pests.


    Mulch can bring additional problems. The mulch is an organic material, which quickly decays, creating a home for insects. Decaying material is a great source of food and it produces warmth, making it suitable for living.


    Prevent moisture within the structure. Having a working drainage system is a must because damp soil works as a magnet for insects.


    Keep plants away from home. Insects will always find their way to your home, especially when you’ve plants touching your home above the foundation.


Protect the structure of your house


  1. Seal cracks


    First and foremost, the structure of your house is the first place where you must take a look. Concrete slabs and cracks in the walls are all entrances for insects.


    You can deal with this issue by caulking the cracks in your walls. It requires some time and effort, but eventually its worth the efforts.


  1. Exterior fascia must not contact any soil


    The vertical foundation will serve as an isolation between us and the insecticide world. Without it, the bugs can roam freely and visit you anytime. Moreover, it might even cause excess moisture, which would result in mould and rot issues.


III. Prevent water leaking


    The single most important thing to remember is that you have to prevent any possible leaks that might occur within toilets, sinks, showers, windows and etc.




    It is important to distinguish the entrances of insects and the holes created within the exterior to allow our houses to breathe. Sealing them would allow condensation buildup and the moisture can cause great damage to the structure.


    In addition to the tips given above, we recommend frequent sanitation of the property. Leaving food outside the refrigerator or even crumbs on the floor, most likely, will serve as an invitation to ants.

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