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How to use dance to get in shape

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Maybe you’ve heard some of the buzz about dancing as a form of exercise and thought it was a joke, and wouldn’t work. But, did you know that you can actually achieve great results simply by sweating and grooving to your favorite music? Think about the time you might spend at a nightclub dancing, the night seems to fly by, right? Now imagine the time spent jogging, that seems to drag on forever. One of the best areas of the body to improve through dance is the core. Core training through dance is something some of the top athletes and entertainers use to keep their bodies strong and flexible enough to do their superhuman hobbies. Today let’s try and answer the question of how to use dance to get in shape.

The core of our bodies is often referred to as a six pack, these are the stomach muscles that form the grid around our belly buttons. Getting this area of the body toned is something that nearly everyone has in mind when they begin to look into working out. It is known as the sexiest part of a man’s body, and many women flaunt their stuff too, think of Shakira in her halftime performance at the Super Bowl. When you dance you are relying on your core for nearly every move you make, think of the way you would swing your arms and shake your legs while doing your favorite dance, all of this motion stems from the core. There might not be a better workout for our core than a good dance fitness routine.

Dancing for fitness isn’t limited to the core though, it’s a full body workout that has some surprising benefits that not many people associate with dancing. One of the best things about dance that makes it superior to other forms of exercise is the fact that you are really incorporating your entire body into your workout routine, getting benefits that can only come from dance. Think of the repetitive movements many workouts have. Like jogging on an elliptical machine, or rowing on a boat machine. The same movements, over and over. This not only provides a very limited range of improvement, it can actually cause damage to joints and ligaments that get too much wear and tear from the repetitive motions of the body. Dance is a free flowing workout that will keep you loose and limber.

Really targeting your abs and six-pack can be aided by using online dance videos that specialize in the moves that will get your waistline ready for beach season. These dance instructors really know how to motivate you as well, making them an essential ingredient in your quest to get in shape. Finding a series, or just an instructor you like will give you a sense of routine, and you can use these dance videos to measure your progress as well. If you’ve never danced before, there are some great beginners videos to guide you a bit, or, if you are an experienced dancer, you can pick right up with a more advanced session. The longer the video the longer you dance, and all those moves add up really quickly when you are burning calories and having fun.

Dancing your way to fitness is just a great and fun way to get the hours of cardio and stretching that are required when getting in shape. You will look better, be more healthy, and have more energy, all while getting down with some of your favorite music. I hope you try a dance video workout today, you won’t regret it!

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