Home » How to Tell If Mold Is Growing On Your Sink Drain

How to Tell If Mold Is Growing On Your Sink Drain

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In many homes, there are many places where you can find mold, and often when you professionals for mold removal in rockwall tx, they’re able to find more mold in places you never thought to check. So, no matter where it is, if the conditions are optimal, mold will survive and thrive in that particular area. One of the places to find mold growth is in your sink. This can be the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, or any other sink that you may be having in your home. The reason mold thrives in a sink is because the sink drain has enough moisture and humidity. This is favorable conditions for mold to grow. Anyone who has mold in the sink drain cannot tell easily unless you recognize it with a smell, color, and allergic reactions every time you use the sink. Below are some of the signs that can help you tell if you have mold spreading all over your sink drain.  

Leaking sink drain 

To begin with, if you have a leaky sink drain, it is one of the causes for mold growth as it creates a perfect environment for it to grow and spread easily. This is possible as mold is a living organism and all it needs is moisture to exist. Therefore, this uncontrolled moisture from the leaking sink drain is the main factor of mold growing indoors with ease. Not forgetting that a sink drain is a high humidity area according to the nature of use. For this reason, it is no surprise to find mold growing here. Additionally, if you tend to use the sink daily, it will be easier for you to discover the presence of the mold. Plus, if you notice a leaky sink drain, ensure you solve the problem as soon as possible to prevent any further growth of this mold. 

Check for visible mold

Another obvious way to tell if mold is present in your sink drain is to look for signs of visible mold. If the problem of mold you have is a severe one, you can see the mold with your naked eyes, as much as mold spores are invisible. For this, you might need a home mold test kit to find where the issue is! A popular one that you can see is a black and green growth that is spreading around your sink drain.

Alternatively, you can consult a mold inspection Texas company that will come and check the mold problem for you. 

Having symptoms of mold exposure 

Sometimes, having symptoms and allergies that are brought by mold is not a bad thing. Mold exposure has negative health effects on people’s health. Others get irritations and are sensitive to mold exposure, and the signs they show is evidence that there is a possible mold issue. For instance, sneezing, itchy eyes, chronic fatigue, runny nose, coughing, and headaches. All these exposure symptoms if they get worse when you are using your sink there may be mold growing. Also, individuals that suffer from respiratory diseases, asthma, and weak immune systems, mold spores are very harmful to them. Although it is not in all instances that such individuals will have their symptoms get worse due to mold, it could be something different. All in all, it is important to check for mold in your sink drain. In case any of the above symptoms seem common among the people living in your house. 

Persistent musty smell

When there is a damp smell that is coming from your sink drain, this is a sign to tell you that there is mold in your sink drain. One easy way to note this is when you are done cleaning your sink thoroughly and after there is still a musty smell that is coming from it. In many instances, this smell means a hidden leak, accumulating moisture, or possible existing mold. Therefore, it is vital to rule out all of these possibilities. Besides, when the issue is mold, you ensure that you have it checked by a mold expert that will remove it completely and avoid it spreading to other places. Since the mold spores happen to help decompose dead materials, this is the reason why it leads up to the unpleasant stale smell. 

A damaged drain 

When you have a damaged drain where your sink drain has a muddy appearance, looks discolored, or the whole area feels slimy and damp, there is a possibility of mold growth in your sink drain. Another thing to check in concern with the mold growth is the surrounding of the sink drain. If there is possible damage around such as cracked tiles, crumbling plaster, or blistering paint, all these are signs that you have a possible mold issue. Others you can easily tell with the wallpapers unusual peeling, bubbling, and cracking, among other abnormalities. So, if your sink drain appears damaged and the surrounding areas as well, all these need to be tested for possible mold. Importantly, as you call in a plumber to repair your sink drain. You need also to call mold removal professionals who will ensure you deal with the mold issue too.  

To sum up, eliminating mold from your house for good is not as easy as mold spores are everywhere. So, where there is constant moisture like the sink drain, it is a perfect condition for them. A sink drain that is full of mold is not a good thing to have, as explained in the above signs of how to tell if you have mold in your sink drain. It is important to have the above information to know what to look out for and to guide you to take the right steps to eliminate mold in your sink drain. Through this, you will achieve a clean environment and good health for you and your family. Plus, seek help from professionals to remove mold from your sink drain other than doing it yourself. 

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